Boekverslag : Norman Whitney - The Stranger
De taal ervan is Engels en het aantal woorden bedraagt 534 woorden.

Title: The stranger

Author: Norman Whitney

Genre: A book with adventure and action

Pages: 63

Chapters: 15


It's about a stranger who comes in an small village and very strange things happen since he is there.


On Saturday, 31st October 1964, a man arrived in the village Woodend. He was looking for a hotel. But he couldn't find one. The next day he left.

The village people liked the stranger. The stranger bought a house in Wooden.

On Monday, 21st December, the village people saw a big sign on the front of the house. And on the sign were these words:

THE CORNER SHOP Proprietor: Dave Slatin

The new assistant in The Corner Shop ws Anna. Sometimes her friend, Peter, helped at the shop. In the shop was a room where only Dave came. On the door of the room notice: "SPECIAL ORDERS ONLY: KEEP OUT" On a day a strange woman came to the shop. She was a beautiful woman and she was wearing expensive clothes and she arrivd in a large car. She asked is this The corner shop? Yes replied Anna. Then Dave came downstairs. He sad to the woman "I'm pleased to meet you Miss Gordon. She had beautiful hands and she was wearing beautiful diamond rings! Anna had never seen so many diamonds before. Dave and Miss Greta Gordo dissapeard in the Special orders room. When Miss Gordon came out of the Special orders room her eyes were red with tears. But here rings where dissapeard.

The next months more people came to visit the Special order room. And everytime the came out something strange happend.

One day the rome was open. Anne went in there for a look. She saw strange dolls. They looked on real people. One doll had a broken arm. Anna looked for the Diamond rings? What about the diamond rings? said a voice. It was Dave Slatin. He was laughing. I left the door open for you he said. I wanted you to go into this room this morning. Anna was frightened, bu she tried not to show her fear. You haven't found the diamonds Dave said again. Anna I have strange powers. I can give you everything you want. He looked into Anna's eyes. And my children willhave thes powers too,' he continued. I will give you money and diamonds. And you, Anna will give me children. Anna was terrified now. She kicked Dave Slatin very hard an he let go her hand. Anna moved quickly. She ran out of the Special Orders room through the front of the shop and out onto the street. She ran all the way home.

On 31st october Anna felt terrible and went to bed. Peter came but anna was ill. The next day the docter came. He sad that Anna was very ill.

About seven o'clock there was a fire in the Corner shop. Dave Slatin was still in the shop and he was standing in front of the window and he was laughing. Peter went back. The doctor was in the kitchen, talking to Anna's mother. Suddenly there was a scream. They ran upstairs to Anna's room. Anna was dead. When the corner shop was in flames Dave Slatin with his strange powers killed Anna. That's how Anna died.
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